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Rights & Development
Questions about rights/project development?



Any idea that is developed into a film or television program must be secured, and rights must be optioned or purchased.


You can secure ideas for a film, television, or streaming content through various options which include:

  • Optioning / purchasing the rights in underlying IP (books, graphic novels, video games, newspaper articles, true events, or other underlying rights) with an Option or Rights Purchase Agreement

  • Developing your own idea with a writer (Writer-for-Hire agreement)

  • Optioning/purchasing an original script (Script Option, Script Purchase Agreement)

  • Co-production agreement for content you co-produce with a producing partner (Co-production Agreement)

  • Shopping a project exclusively without paying an option/purchase fee (Shopping Agreement)


Ideally, one does not work on a project without having executed an agreement that provides for the (exclusive) rights in connection with the property to be realized. 







Not every idea is good. Not every script sells. 90% of ideas and scripts never get made.

Choosing an idea/script that can sell in today's marketplace is essential for anyone who doesn't want to find themselves in a costly "development hell."


Given that a majority of distribution revenues derive from international distribution, it makes sense to focus on genres that sell globally.  While the industry has gone through many shifts and changes, these genres have remained the same for many years.


The best-selling story genres for film and television content include:

  • Elevated Horror 

  • Thriller

  • Sci-Fi

  • Crime

  • Action

  • Comedy

  • Cast-driven Art House


Choosing the right genre is only the first step. Developing strong stories, with multifaceted, authentic, and unique characters, woven into story structures with surprising twists and turns is the second step.

The important third step includes attaching a strong director in support of the genre and attaching meaningful cast members in the lead role(s). Strong talent attaches to strong stories. 




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